Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What are the urban tribes?

Gangs are groups of mainly young people who gather around fashion, interests, philosophies, and common places. In general, each of these so-called "tribes" have their music and their characteristic dress. Each defends its own ideals and objectives, and sometimes are highly territorial. Detection is achieved that the common denominator in these tribes is the failure and social exclusion. The member of these gangs maintains an attitude of rebelliousness (violent or otherwise) to society, which they describe as hypocritical and nonsensical. Rebels all set to hate and governed by rules and traditions.

Tribes best known

1. The Gothic: The literature reflected his penchant for mysticism, the spiritual and metaphysical. The music was composed by melancholy sounds like Gregorian chants, choirs, etc.., The Gothic period is a time of dreams, the spirit of perspective, contrast, guarantees on the death

2. the Punk: The Sex Pistols banda, gave life to the movement, advocating a mystic to believe in the idea: his rejection of the real world at large, his impudence to say I fuck! "And spit on when they seem hypocritical system.

3. The skinhead / Neo-Nazis: bands composed mainly of young urban workers, they adopted the custom of cut his head, using chains on their boots and clothing almost military support racism and xenophobia.

4. Rappers : The Rap is nothing but an expression of disappointment and social criticism, particularly through music, clothing and the famous "graffiti

5. Emo : A person is considered "emo", outside the field of music, are people who try to appear with his aesthetic sad and bitter people, based around his physical "emotional." For over a decade, the term "emo" was used almost exclusively to describe the genre of music that prevailed in the 80s

6. Hippies : This ideology was born as a criticism and rejection of consumer society, the materialism, violence, racism, and everything that went against a peaceful and harmonious world. The hippies formed a kind of counterculture, where the values were the love that puts the freedom of nature and spirit.



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