Family guy is an animated television series created for adults in 1999 by Seth MacFarlane. The series was canceled in 2002, but due to public demand the series returned in 2005 with a new series - also created by Seth MacFarlane-called American Dad
There was much debate over the rumor and ran the second and third seasons of Family Guy on whether it would be canceled or renewed. Fox publicly announced that the program had been canceled at the end of the second season.
A change in power at Fox led to the creation of thirteen new episodes that form the basis of the third season. Being aware of the uncertainty about the future of the show, the writers made reference to this uncertainty in several episodes. During the third season, Fox announced that Family Guy was canceled for good.
In 2003, parents began to broadcast in Canada Télétoon network, which quickly gained popularity. Several months later, the replacement of the series finally found a permanent home at night Adult Swim block of Cartoon Network, which continues to issue from 2008. According to a press release from Cartoon Network,
There was much debate over the rumor and ran the second and third seasons of Family Guy on whether it would be canceled or renewed. Fox publicly announced that the program had been canceled at the end of the second season.
A change in power at Fox led to the creation of thirteen new episodes that form the basis of the third season. Being aware of the uncertainty about the future of the show, the writers made reference to this uncertainty in several episodes. During the third season, Fox announced that Family Guy was canceled for good.
In 2003, parents began to broadcast in Canada Télétoon network, which quickly gained popularity. Several months later, the replacement of the series finally found a permanent home at night Adult Swim block of Cartoon Network, which continues to issue from 2008. According to a press release from Cartoon Network,