Monday, February 25, 2008


is a sovereign nation in South Asia. It is the seventh country mas big, and the second country mas popularly, as hisdemocracy.
is identified by his commercial and cultural wealth for most of his long history


For most of his history of
post-independence, the Indian economy has grown regularly during the past two decades.

India has the second force of labourd bigger of the wolrd, with 509.3 million persons, 60 % of whom is used in the agriculture and related industries; 28 % in services and related industries; and 12 % in industry. In 2006, the estimated exports were to billion US$112 and the imports were about billion US$187.9. The textile, the jeweler's shop, goods of the engineering and software are principal raw materials of exportation.


present perfect

[has/have + past participle]


·I have seen that movie many times.

·Have you seen that movie many times?

·You have not seen that movie many times.

·Use 1 now before unspecified time

·We use the present perfect to say that an action that occurred at a time Unspecified before now. The exact time is not important. You may not Use the Present Perfect specific time
Example: I have seen that movie twenty times.

TEM 1 Experience
You can use the present perfect for descrivir experience. Also can be
used for a denial. Is not used to Descrivir a specific event.

I have been in italy .-
means you have had the experience of being in italy.

TOPIC 2 Change Over TimeWe

often use the Present Perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time.

You have grown since the last time I saw you.

TEM 3 Achievements
Used the present perfect in the list of the achievements of individuals. You can not mention one hour specified
A man walked on the moon.

TEM 4 unfinished action was expected
Use this to say in a perfect Prayer than expected has not happened.
Ana has not finished his homework.

TEM 5 multiple actions at different times
We use the present perfect to talk about different Actions that have occurred in

the past at different times
I have been in italy five times.

for more information:

Monday, February 04, 2008


The Republic of Senegal (in Frenchman: République du Sénégal) is a country to the south of the river Senegal in the western Africa.
His(Her,Your) capital is DakarThe population senegalesa is for the most part a Muslim is 84 % but the Christians (especially the Catholics) are equally present in 6 %,

Senegal borders on the Republic of the Guinea and Guinea-Bissau in the southern part, Mali in the eastern part and Mauritania in the northern part, and on Gambia in the center of the country, on the Atlantic Ocean in the western part.

The climate is warm and dry

His surface is of 196.200 km2.

The population belongs of mas 12.072.000 inhabitants.

The currency is the Franc and the language principally is the Frenchman, but also one speaks the Wolof, the Peul, the serere, the diula...

Unfortunately it is an illiteracy is 49 % in the men and 70,8 % in the women


look and listen the stars *